Tuesday Thoughts

I typed out the title and was like, wait. Is it really on Tuesday? Yes. Yes it is and that’s okay. Today is a rambling day. I’ve had different things taking place in my life. Stressful things at times. And I was having migraines pretty regularly because of it. My sleep would suffer. Belly issues. It’s all related. I think sometimes people don’t fully understand the impact stress can have on your mind and body. I won’t lie. My faith was getting a little wobbly too. Mind, body, spirituality. I was kind of losing myself without even realizing it. I started forgetting to do the things I enjoy. I forgot to appreciate the good in my life. My focus was stuck on the stress. I can’t escape it. One stressor is a human being. I have to still deal with them. But why should their way of being be allowed to steal my peace? It shouldn’t, but I was allowing it. I’ve allowed a lot of people to steal my peace over the years. Your peace is yours. They can be evil. They can do the wrong things. They definitely are capable of hurting people and not thinking twice about it. But we have choices in how we handle the situations. Our reactions can make our lives harder, or better. It depends on what we choose to focus on. Today, I choose to focus on being okay. I choose the little things, the important people, the moments of calm, to focus on. I hope in your chaos, you choose to find and hold on to your peace. You deserve it.

Wednesday Wisdoms

May your faith be greater than your worries

Let faith reign over worry in your life’s story. We hear the saying “faith over fear” constantly, but let’s face it – anxiety can leave us feeling like a deer in headlights, robbing us of our joy. There’s so much that’s out of our control, but we can control our reactions to the hurdles life tosses our way. Whether it’s a steadfast belief in a higher power or a personal mantra, having faith can help you stay grounded and tackle the daily chaos that comes your way. Remember, you got this!

Peace and blessings,



What are you grateful today? Being grateful for all things, big and small, keeps us in a positive mind frame. If you are having a hard time finding something to be grateful for today, here are some random things:

Waking up; Comfy blankets; Loved ones, including animals; Sunshine; Rainfall; Clean water; Tasty food; Nature; Being able to read and write; Books; Education; Having an income; Being able to rest; and the list goes on and on.

Sometimes when we are stuck in a negative mind frame, it isn’t easy to think of what’s going good in our life, let alone show appreciation and gratitude for these things. I hope you are able to be grateful even through the challenges of your life.

You’ll Arrive

Trusting in the process and having faith that you’ll reach your destination is essential for personal growth and success. Here are a few ways to cultivate trust in the process:

  1. Embrace patience: Understand that progress takes time and that setbacks are a natural part of any journey. Embrace the present moment and focus on what you can do now to move forward.
  2. Reflect on past accomplishments: Take a moment to reflect on your past achievements and how far you’ve come. Remind yourself of the challenges you’ve overcome, which can help build confidence in your ability to navigate future obstacles.
  3. Set realistic goals: Break down your larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks. Celebrate each milestone, as it will reinforce your belief in the process and motivate you to keep going.
  4. Trust yourself: Recognize your strengths, skills, and abilities. Have confidence in your decision-making and trust that you have what it takes to overcome challenges along the way.
  5. Seek support: Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends, family, or mentors who believe in you and your journey. They can provide encouragement, guidance, and different perspectives when doubts arise.
  6. Embrace uncertainty: Understand that not everything will go according to plan, and that’s okay. View unexpected outcomes as opportunities for growth and learning, and trust that they will ultimately lead you to where you need to be.

Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination. Trusting in the process will enable you to navigate challenges with grace and resilience, and celebrate your achievements along the way.

Strength > Pain

We all go through things that aren’t easy there. There are days that the struggles are harder than others and giving up sounds like it might be an option. I know I have wanted to stop trying at times. It was overwhelming, upsetting ,frustrating, and a million other emotions. My mind would tell me I wouldn’t be able to achieve something and I would believe it. The mind is great at lying and trying to convince us to give up. I’ve learned that even though life gets really tough at times, it’s possible to keep going. You can let the thoughts in your mind come and go without engaging in them and realize you are not done yet. I saw a bumper sticker yesterday on a car that said “if you need a sign to keep going, this is it.” I liked seeing that little bit of positivity and affirming to keep going. I wish I could hand out stickers, post-its, and cards telling people just to keep going. It’s been coming across those random acts of kindness that have been part of my journey and have motivated me to see the best is yet to be. I can’t promise an easy life or how quickly things may change for you, but today, I hope your strength is greater than the pain and you keep going.

If you find yourself struggling, I hope you’ll also reach out to family, friends, counselors, or someone else who will encourage you to talk and to keep going. You can also call or text 988 for the National Suicide Prevention Line.

Peace and blessings to all. ❤

Tuesday Positivity

Positive thoughts have a healthy impact on us. When we speak kindly to ourselves, we start to believe the words spoken. Your Tuesday Positivity is: I am a radiant being.

Thinking positively about yourself is important for several reasons. Positive self-talk and thinking can help boost your self-esteem. When you focus on your strengths, achievements, and qualities, you develop a healthier and more positive perception of yourself. Your overall confidence and self-worth grows.

  1. Positive thinking has an impact on your mental health. It can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression by counteracting negative thoughts and promoting a more optimistic mindset. Positive self-talk can also help you manage challenging situations more effectively and cope with setbacks in a constructive manner.
  2. When you think positively about yourself, you cultivate resilience. This means you become better equipped to bounce back from failures or obstacles. Instead of dwelling on obstacles, positive self-talk encourages you to learn from mistakes, persevere, and maintain a growth mindset.
  3. Positive self-perception can positively impact your relationships with others. When you have a healthy self-image, you are more likely to engage in nurturing relationships, set boundaries, and communicate effectively. By valuing and respecting yourself, you also attract healthier relationships into your life. The energy you give off from being positive attracts those with like personalities.
  4. Positive thinking fosters motivation and helps you stay focused on your goals. When you believe in your abilities, you are more likely to take the necessary steps to achieve your aspirations. Positive self-talk can inspire you to overcome challenges, stay committed, and take action. It’s knowing not everything will be easy, but it’s obtainable because you believe in yourself.

Remember, positive thinking about yourself is not about denying reality or avoiding personal growth. It is about creating a supportive and encouraging inner voice that uplifts you and empowers you to live your best life.

Live Life

What does it mean to live a life worth living?

Living a life worth living means actively pursuing a fulfilling and meaningful existence. It involves aligning your actions and choices with your values, passions, and aspirations. It means embracing personal growth, cultivating positive relationships, and contributing to the well-being of others and society. A life worth living is one where you constantly seek to learn, evolve, and make a positive impact, finding joy and purpose along the way. It’s about embracing the present moment, appreciating the beauty of life, and pursuing happiness in a way that is authentic and meaningful to you.

How do you live a life worth living?

Living a life worth living is a deeply personal journey, but here are a few suggestions that may guide you on your path:

  1. Discover your passions: Take the time to explore your interests and discover what truly excites you. Engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.
  2. Set meaningful goals: Determine what you want to achieve in different areas of your life, whether it’s in your career, relationships, personal growth, or health. Set goals that align with your values and aspirations.
  3. Embrace new experiences: Be open to trying new things and stepping out of your comfort zone. Embracing new experiences can lead to personal growth, broaden your perspective, and enrich your life.
  4. Cultivate positive relationships: Surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you. Nurture healthy and meaningful relationships, both with family and friends, as well as with mentors and like-minded individuals.
  5. Practice gratitude: Take the time to appreciate the blessings and beauty in your life. Cultivating a gratitude practice can shift your perspective, increase your overall happiness, and make you more aware of the abundance around you.
  6. Take care of your well-being: Prioritize your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Engage in self-care activities, such as regular exercise, healthy eating, quality sleep, and stress management techniques.
  7. Contribute to others: Find ways to make a positive impact in the lives of others. Whether through acts of kindness, volunteering, or supporting causes you care about, contributing to the well-being of others can bring a profound sense of fulfillment.

Remember, living a life worth living is an ongoing process. It’s about continuously seeking growth, finding purpose, and embracing the journey with gratitude and an open heart. I hope your journey is full of blessings and happiness.

Positive Thoughts

Positive thoughts might not seem like much, but when we think positively, it can lift our spirit, increase our vibrations, and help our energy thrive.

Using affirmations can bring numerous benefits to one’s life. They help cultivate a positive mindset by replacing negative thoughts with empowering and uplifting statements. They can assist in shifting your focus towards optimism and possibilities. Regularly practicing affirmations can boost self-confidence and improve self-esteem. By affirming positive qualities and beliefs about yourself, you reinforce a strong sense of self-worth and capability. Affirmations can serve as powerful tools for motivation. By repeating affirmations related to your goals and aspirations, you create a mindset that supports your journey towards success and achievement.

  1. They have the potential to alleviate stress and anxiety by promoting a calmer state of mind. They can help counteract self-doubt and negative self-talk, replacing them with reassuring and soothing thoughts. Affirmations assist in enhancing focus and concentration. By affirming your abilities and goals, you reinforce your commitment and ability to stay on track, allowing you to make clearer decisions and take purposeful actions. Affirmations empower individuals by reminding them of their inherent strengths, abilities, and potential. They can help break free from limiting beliefs and encourage personal growth and self-empowerment. Affirmations can positively impact physical and mental well-being. By promoting positive thoughts and beliefs, they contribute to reducing stress levels, enhancing self-care practices, and supporting overall health.

It’s important to stay consistent when practicing affirmations. The more consistent we are, the more we believe the words.

No Limit

There is no limit to what you are capable of doing. We often let fear hold us back and keep us from achieving all we want to do. I’m here to tell you it is possible to let go of fear and to move forward. What are your dreams? What do you desire? What stops you from going for it all?

I like to journal my goals and I work on manifesting them. I see the ways I’ve been scared. I’ve had fears, lacked motivation, and have been clueless on where to start. You won’t get anywhere though if you don’t move through things with a little bit of fear, if you’re afraid to get started, or if things feel too overwhelming.

Breaking things down can help us take smaller steps to get to where we want to be. I have a lot of goals in life, but I break them down. Eventually I’m going to see my blogs becoming more popular and helping people with information and inspiration. I’ll publish books. I’ll gain clients. I have to start somewhere though to achieve anything. I hope today you’ll take the time to focus on what you really want in life and take a step towards achieving it all.

Thursday Thought #1

You’ve heard of Motivation Monday, but today is Thursday Thought #1…. To be followed up with a #2 and so on.

Today, I want you to know everything is within your reach. Do you believe me? If you’re an optimistic person I’m going to say you do. For those with a more negative mind, you have your doubts. Step one to achieving our goals is to throw doubt out the window. Step two is knowing what it is you’re trying to reach, being as descriptive as possible. Maybe you’re wanting more money, it’s a stressor for many and needed to be able to do anything in life. But that’s not descriptive enough. Would a new job help you increase your financial situation? Or maybe you have a hobby you’d love to explore more and make a profit from? It could be you want to work at eliminating debt to increase what you can put into savings. Be specific. The more specific, the more your energy will encourage the universe to send what you’re wanting and needing to match your energy.

Th next step is fully believing you’re capable. You don’t need to know the when and how, just know it’ll happen and be ready to receive when it comes into your life. I think for a lot of people this is the hard part. You want answers. You have doubts. Maybe your mind tells you “it happens for everyone else, but it’ll never happen for me.” We need to adjust our way of thinking and know it will happen for us when it’s meant to. What you ask for may even appear in a different fashion than what you are expecting. Be ready to accept it even if it manifests differently.

Lastly, show gratitude daily. Not sure for the things you’ve asked for happening, but for everything in your life. You may want more money, but give thanks for what you have, the job you have. When we show appreciation for what we already have in life, more good will come our way.